Co-first authors Haoyang Chen (left) and Shubham Mirg (right), Penn State doctoral students in biomedical engineering, were advised by Sri-Rajasekhar Kothapalli (center), Penn State assistant professor of biomedical engineering. Provided by Sri-Rajasekhar Kothapalli. All Rights Reserved.
Biomedical engineering researchers receive best paper runner-up award
March 28, 2023
By Mariah R. Lucas
UNIVERISTY PARK, Pa. — A team of Penn State biomedical engineering researchers recently received a best paper runner-up award from the IEEE Sensors Council.
The award recognizes a paper published in IEEE Sensors Letters, one of 18 journals published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) during the preceding calendar year. The award is based on general quality, originality, scientific contributions, subject matter and timeliness, according to IEEE.
In past work, the researchers demonstrated that transparent ultrasound transducers enable a range of biomedical applications, such as multimodal optical and acoustic imaging, neuromodulation and cell stimulation. Their latest work improves on the transparent ultrasound transducer by utilizing a transparent lead magnesium niobate-lead titanate material, which made the transducer more sensitive.
Haoyang Chen and Shubham Mirg, Penn State doctoral students in biomedical engineering, served as co-first authors on the paper, and were advised by Sri-Rajasekhar Kothapalli, Penn State assistant professor of biomedical engineering. The other authors include Mohamed Osman and Sumit Agrawal, graduate students in biomedical engineering, and Jiacheng Cai, Ryan Biskowitz and Josiah Minotto, undergraduate students in biomedical engineering, all from Penn State.
The awardees received a certificate for the award in October at the annual IEEE conference in Dallas.