Abigail Wagner is the spring 2022 student marshal for electrical engineering. Credit: Kelby Hochreither/Penn State
2022 spring student marshal: Abigail Wagner
UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Abigail Wagner has been named the spring 2022 student marshal for electrical engineering.
Wagner will receive her bachelor of science in electrical engineering with a minor in German and a certificate in international engineering. A Schreyer Honors College student, Wagner completed a bachelor’s thesis on millimeter-wave radar imaging of an automobile.
A 2018 graduate of Upper St. Clair High School in Pittsburgh, Wagner earned several awards and scholarships while at Penn State, including the Penn State President Walker Award, the Penn State Provost Award, the John A. Tague Scholarship in Electrical Engineering, the Lockheed Martin Engineering Scholar Award and the Schreyer Honors College Academic Excellence Scholarship. She also was part of the William and Wyllis Leonhard Engineering Scholars Program.
Wagner participated in the Society of Women Engineers, where she served as chair from 2018-19, equity recruitment director from 2019-21 and event logistics director from 2021-22, as well as in the Women in Engineering Program, where she served as an envoy in 2019, a mentor in 2020 and an engineering design lead in 2021. Wagner also was a member of the Eta Kappa Nu academic honors society, Penn State Navigators and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
While studying abroad, Wagner participated in the Engineers Made in Germany program at Hochschule Pforzheim in Germany in 2019, where she studied automotive engineering. As a product development intern for Ford Motor Company, Wagner conducted software engineering for testing driver assistance technologies. As an engineering intern for the Penn State Bernard M. Gordon Learning Factory, Wagner designed a test rig and programmed a datalogger for entomology research. She also worked as a learning assistant for an electrical engineering first year seminar course, where she oversaw Arduino microcontroller lab sections.
After graduation, Wagner will work for the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory.