Jeremy Keirn is the spring 2022 student marshal for engineering science in the Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics. Credit: Kelby Hochreither/Penn State
2022 spring student marshal: Jeremy Keirn
UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Jeremy Keirn has been named the spring 2022 student marshal for engineering science.
Keirn will receive his bachelor of science in engineering science with minors in engineering mechanics and music technology. He will graduate with honors. As a Schreyer Honors Scholar, Keirn completed an honors thesis titled “Widening the Frequency Stop-Bandwidth of Metasurfaces for Controlling Lamb Wave Propagation.”
A 2018 graduate of Altoona Area High School in Altoona, Keirn earned several awards and scholarships while at Penn State. These include the President Walker Award, President Sparks Award, Evan Pugh Scholar Award, Kearns-McNitt Award, H. Thomas and Dorothy Willits Hallowell Scholarship, Bayard D. Kunkle Scholarship and more.
Keirn was a member and the treasurer of the Tau Beta Pi honors society from 2021-22. He was also a member of the Society of Engineering Science, serving as treasurer in 2020-21 and president from 2021-22. Keirn also participated in campus orchestra as a violinist from 2019-20.
As a SIRIUS leader for the AURORA outdoor orientation program, Keirn supervised incoming first-year students throughout a virtual expedition and self-led outdoor experiences. He also worked at Lakemont Park in Altoona as a ride operator facilitating the safe operation of various rides.
After graduation, Keirn plans to continue his education at Penn State pursuing a graduate degree in engineering science and mechanics.