Casey Emler is the spring 2022 student marshal for nuclear engineering. Credit: Kelby Hochreither/Penn State
2022 spring student marshal: Casey Emler
UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Casey Emler has been named the spring 2022 student marshal for nuclear engineering. Emler will receive his bachelor of science in nuclear engineering.
A 2018 graduate of Cedar Crest High School in Lebanon, Emler earned various distinctions and scholarships while at Penn State. A Schreyer Honors Scholar, he was named to the dean’s list every semester and completed an honors thesis titled “Viability of a Cryogenic Irradiation Facility at the Penn State Breazeale Reactor.” He is a recipient of the Schreyer Academic Excellence Scholarship, American Society of Highway Engineers Merit Scholarship and the General Frank S. Besson Jr. Memorial Scholarship.
Emler was a member of the Penn State chapter of the American Nuclear Society and also a member of their national honor society Alpha Nu Sigma. He served as treasurer of the Theta Delta Chi fraternity and was a member of the THON Donor Alumni Relations committee.
As an engineering intern for the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Emler completed inspection, materials testing and documentation associated with highway and bridge construction. He also worked for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission as an engineering co-op student, providing technical support in the agency’s implementation of their reactor oversite process.
Following graduation, Emler will pursue a graduate degree in nuclear engineering from Penn State.