The Learning Factory's end-of-semester showcase will take place in-person from 1 to 3:30 pm on Tuesday, April 23 at the Bryce Jordan Center. The virtual showcase will take place Wednesday, April 24 through Friday, May 3. Credit: Jeff Xu/Penn State
Learning Factory to host engineering showcase in person and virtually
April 5, 2024
By Sarah Small
UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — The Penn State College of Engineering’s Learning Factory will host its end-of-semester showcase for senior engineering students to present their capstone design projects and first-year engineering students to present their cornerstone design projects with both in-person and virtual formats.
The in-person showcase will take place from 1 to 3:30 pm on Tuesday, April 23 at the Bryce Jordan Center, and the virtual showcase will take place Wednesday, April 24 through Friday, May 3. Both versions are free and open to the public.
The work of nearly 1,500 students will be represented at the showcase. The event provides engineering students from across the College of Engineering with an opportunity to share their projects, which are sponsored by entrepreneurs, industry partners, government agencies and nonprofits. A complete list of current projects and sponsors can be found here.
Projects, posters and videos will be judged for awards, including both an online and in-person People's Choice Award voted on by attendees. Other award winners will be determined by a panel of experts composed of current and past sponsors, as well as members of the Learning Factory’s Industry Advisory Board. Winners will be announced at the end of the showcase and listed online here.
“The showcase is for everyone,” said Matt Parkinson, director of the Learning Factory and professor of engineering design and mechanical engineering. “If you’re considering a STEM major, you can learn how those skills are used in the ‘real world.’ If you’re an engineering student wondering what awaits you in your final year, this is the place to catch that vision. If you are in industry and looking for ways to engage with Penn State, this will give you myriad ideas. Plus, there’s free Creamery ice cream.”
Showcase visitors, including those with ADA parking needs, must purchase a parking permit from BJC Park Mobile using these instructions and park in Jordan East. Students, faculty and staff with on-campus parking permits should not use park mobile and may park in Jordan East, Stadium West and Porter North. Faculty and staff with parking permits may also park in Orange L East (Founders Lot/Guest Entrance) and Orange L South (Show Entrance).