The Penn State Engineering Alumni Association recognized faculty, staff and alumni at its annual awards ceremony, held Nov. 3. Credit: Penn State
Engineering alumni society recognizes awardees' outstanding contributions
November 20, 2023
By Sarah Small
UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — At its annual awards ceremony, the Penn State Engineering Alumni Society (PSEAS) recognized engineering faculty, staff and alumni members for outstanding teaching, research, advising and service.
The ceremony was held on Nov. 3 in the Hintz Family Alumni Center. Committees of faculty, staff, alumni and former award recipients selected the award recipients through secret ballots.
“[The PSEAS awards recognize] the extraordinary members of our community who go above and beyond in their teaching, research, advising and service to the college and their colleagues,” said Tonya L. Peeples, Interim Harold and Inge Marcus Dean of Engineering. “These are the faculty, staff and alumni who are making it all possible — world-changing research, transformational educational experiences, innovative advising and student service, dedicated alumni engagement and more.”
Dean’s Circle of Excellence Award — recognizes staff members who have a proven track record of performing at the highest levels of administrative excellence.
- Amy Long, administrative support coordinator, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Distinguished Service Award — recognizes and honors alumni, friends or current or former faculty who have donated their time, expertise and/or energies to a department within the college.
- Anthony Atchley, professor emeritus, graduate program in acoustics, former Interim Harold and Inge Marcus Dean of Engineering
Equity and Inclusion Award — recognizes a staff member who has demonstrated a commitment to the college’s goal of being a diverse and supportive community that provides a climate of sensitivity, open-mindedness and respect.
- Eduardo Granata Rodriguez, administrative support assistant, Center for Engineering Outreach and Inclusion
Outstanding Advising Award — recognizes and rewards outstanding advisers of engineering undergraduate and graduate students.
- Chris Gorski, associate professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Cindy Reed, assistant director of student research and graduate equity, Center for Engineering Outreach and Inclusion
- Swaroop Ghosh, associate professor, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Outstanding Research Award — recognizes and rewards outstanding engineering researchers for accomplishments in advancing the frontiers of knowledge.
- Gang (Gary) Tan, professor, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- Jessica Menold, associate professor, School of Engineering Design and Innovation and Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Linxiao Zhu, assistant professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Parisa Shokouhi, professor, Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics
- Xiang Yang, assistant professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Outstanding Staff Award — recognizes outstanding performance of a staff member.
- Karen Reese, assistant director of stewardship, Development and Alumni Relations
- Tammy Coval, graduate programs assistant, Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics
- Christine Woytowich, administrative support assistant, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Outstanding Teaching Award — recognizes and rewards outstanding engineering educators for excellence in teaching and for contributions to the art of teaching.
- Griselda Conejo-Lopez, lecturer, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- Ilgin Guler, associate professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Lucas Passmore, associate teaching professor, Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics
Rising Star Award — recognizes an individual who shows great promise in their position and has demonstrated exceptional job performance.
- Jody Spicer, administrative support assistant, Center for Engineering Outreach and Inclusion
Spirit Award — honors a staff member who displays a positive and enthusiastic attitude and who has promoted a spirit of cooperation and collegiality in their work unit and the college.
- Austin Powell, IT support specialist, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Staff Innovation Award — recognizes a staff member who has used creativity appropriately to develop new and/or improved processes, methods, systems, products or services and encouraged others to do the same.
- Megan Bowersox, proposal and award generalist, Larson Transportation Institute
Staff Leadership Award — recognizes a staff member who has shown outstanding levels of leadership and teamwork in the workplace.
- Jamie Ross, financial manager, Larson Transportation Institute
Premier Research Award — recognizes and rewards an individual whose contributions to scientific knowledge through research are exemplary and internationally acclaimed.
- Scarlett Miller, professor, School of Engineering Design and Innovation and Department of Mechanical Engineering
Premier Teaching Award — recognizes and rewards individuals whose contributions to engineering education or the art of teaching are of exceptional quality.
- Albert Segall, professor, Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics
Lawrence J. Perez Memorial Student Advocate Award — recognizes a faculty member who contributes to the welfare of students and enriches the college by their willingness to devote significant time and effort to assist students with academic and/or personal problems.
- Brad Sottile, assistant teaching professor, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- Andrea Arguelles, assistant professor, Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics
World-Class Engineering Faculty — recognizes a faculty member who embodies the seven characteristics of the world-class engineer — grounded in fundamentals; broad in understanding other disciplines; globally engaged; ethical; innovative; collaborative; and a leader in their profession — in all of their activities including teaching, research and service.
- John Messner, Charles and Elinor Matts Professor of Architectural Engineering