Marshall Hart has been named the College of Engineering student marshal for Penn State's summer 2023 commencement ceremony, to be held on Aug. 12 in the Bryce Jordan Center at University Park. Credit: Marshall Hart/Penn State. All Rights Reserved.
Computer science student named College of Engineering student marshal
July 13, 2023
By Sarah Small
UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Marshall Hart has been named the summer 2023 student marshal for the Penn State College of Engineering. He will receive his bachelor of science degree in computer science with a minor in mathematics at the University’s commencement ceremony, which will be held at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, Aug. 12, in the Bryce Jordan Center at University Park.
Student marshals are selected for their outstanding academic achievement and contributions to engineering student life. During the summer commencement ceremony, they lead the procession of the graduates from their college.
“I was surprised and honored to be selected as student marshal, especially after starting college during the pandemic and navigating the challenges that came with spending my first year at home,” Hart said.
A graduate of Memorial Senior High School in Houston, Texas, Hart became a member of the Tau Beta Pi honor society while at Penn State and was on the dean’s list every semester. He also worked as a learning assistant and, in his free time, participated in the Dungeons and Dragons club.
Hart will graduate with a 3.96 grade-point average. After graduation, he will work at Epic Systems as a software engineer. He plans to pursue graduate studies in the field of computing after spending some time in the workforce.