Provided by Caleb Fronk/Penn State. All Rights Reserved.
Mechanical engineering undergraduate wins global society poster competition
March 30, 2023
By Mary Fetzer
UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Fourth-year mechanical engineering student Caleb Fronk took first place honors at The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) 152nd Annual Meeting and Exhibition (TMS 2023). The meeting was held March 19-23 in San Diego.
Fronk won the undergraduate student poster competition in the TMS Light Metals Division. His project was titled “Correlating Local and Global Tensile Deformation Behavior of A1Si10Mg Specimens Fabricated Via Laser Powder Bed Fusion.” Fronk focused on AlSi10Mg, an aluminum fabricated via additive manufacturing, and aimed to understand both the material’s capability and its compatibility with strain gauges.
“I am super proud of Caleb,” said Amrita Basak, assistant professor of mechanical engineering. “He joined my lab in fall 2021 and learned the nuances of experimental work very quickly. I am certain that he will do extremely well in whatever he decides to do in the future.”
Fronk, a member of the Basak Research Group at Penn State, is a Schuman Scholar and a student in the Schreyer Honors College (SHC). His conference trip was funded by the Schuman program, and his project served as the foundation for his SHC undergraduate thesis. Fronk will graduate this semester and has accepted a position with Pratt & Whitney.
The TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition brings together more than 4,000 engineers, scientists, business leaders and other professionals in the minerals, metals and materials fields for a comprehensive, cross-disciplinary exchange of technical knowledge, according to the TMS 2023 website.