3D-concrete-printed, affordable housing focus of Penn State, HUD event

July 17, 2023

Editor’s note: This article originally appeared on Penn State News. It highlights an event at Penn State to discuss the housing potential of 3D concrete printing. The event included a facilities tour of XHab 3D, the startup whose lead system engineer is Sven Bilén, professor of engineering design, electrical engineering and aerospace engineering and director of the doctor of engineering in engineering program. 

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Several representatives from the regional office for the U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD) department attended a public event hosted by Penn State on May 3 to discuss innovations around 3D concrete printing and the potential to alleviate strains in the housing market. The White House estimates that the United States has a shortage of as many as 4 million affordable housing units, and nearly 11 million families — a quarter of all renters — are already spending more than half their income on rent.  

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