Credit: provided by Will Searight
Nuclear engineering graduate student receives scholarship, fellowship
June 7, 2022
UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Will Searight, a doctoral student in nuclear engineering at Penn State, recently received the James F. Schumar Graduate Scholarship from the American Nuclear Society and a NASA Space Grant Graduate Fellowship, given by the Pennsylvania Space Grant Consortium.
The James F. Schumar Graduate Scholarship, formerly known as the Materials Science and Technology Graduate Scholarship, is given to graduate students pursuing studies in materials science and technology for nuclear applications, according to the ANS website. The scholarship is named after James Francis Schumar, a leader in the field of metallurgy who worked on the Manhattan Project and oversaw the first application of a uranium oxide fuel for generating civilian power. As a recipient of this scholarship, Searight will receive $3000.
The NASA PSGC Graduate Fellowship program supports students in STEM, education and humanities fields who are conducting research related to NASA mission priorities. As a recipient of this one-year fellowship, Searight will receive $5000.
Recently, Searight published findings from a preliminary design simulation in Fusion Science and Technology, an ANS publication, to investigate advancements in nuclear thermal propulsion.