Greg Pavlak, assistant professor of architectural engineering at Penn State, was named an "Emerging Contributor" by the U.S. regional affiliate of the International Building Performance Simulation Association.
Greg Pavlak earns building performance award from professional society
October 13, 2022
By Ashley WennersHerron
UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Greg Pavlak, assistant professor of architectural engineering at Penn State, was recognized by the U.S. regional affiliate of the International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA-USA) in September at the 2022 Building Performance Analysis Conference and SimBuild in Chicago. The organization only bestows awards every other year.
Pavlak was named one of four “Emerging Contributors” at the conference’s award ceremony. According to the IBPSA-USA website, “this awards ceremony is a time to celebrate people and organizations that have made a real difference in the [building energy modeling] industry.”
Also affiliated with the Penn State Institutes of Energy and the Environment, Pavlak investigates and advances smart building systems, building-to-grid integration and distributed and renewable energy.
“Building energy modeling needs advanced research to improve the accuracy of model predictions,” said Sez Atamturktur Russcher, head of the Penn State Department of Architectural Engineering. “Such models, when validated to be reliable predictors of building performance, could be used to improve the design of new buildings and the operation of existing ones.”