The Bernard M. Gordon Learning Factory will host its end-of-semester showcase for senior engineering students to present their capstone design projects with both in-person and virtual formats. Credit: Penn State College of Engineering
Engineering Learning Factory to host spring showcase in person and virtually
By Sarah Small
UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — The Bernard M. Gordon Learning Factory will host its end-of-semester showcase for senior engineering students to present their capstone design projects with both in-person and virtual formats.
The in-person showcase will take place from 1:00-3:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 28, in the Bryce Jordan Center Arena, and the virtual showcase will take place Friday, April 29, through Friday, May 6. Both versions of the event are free and open to the public.
“Both the online and in-person showcases provide excellent opportunities to highlight the work of our students,” said Matt Parkinson, director of the Learning Factory and professor of industrial and manufacturing engineering and engineering design. “The online showcase allows friends from around the world to explore the huge variety of projects — and even vote on their favorite. The in-person event provides a venue for students and visitors to interact with the prototypes — and also vote on their favorite project while having some Penn State Berkey Creamery ice cream.”
For more than 25 years, the showcase has provided senior engineering students from across the college with an opportunity to share their capstone projects, which are sponsored by a variety of local and national firms as well as government agencies. A complete list of current projects and sponsors can be found here.
Projects, posters and videos will be judged for awards, including a People’s Choice Award, voted on by attendees of both the in-person and virtual versions of the showcase. The awards are sponsored by BP and Lockheed Martin. Winners will be announced at the end of the showcase and listed online here.
Permits are not needed for parking. Visitors may park either in the Orange L (South) parking lot behind the Bryce Jordan Center or in the Jordan East (Lot 44), Stadium West or Porter North commuter lots. Parking is not permitted in Orange L East except for ADA parking with a properly displayed state-issued ADA plate or placard. Faculty with Penn State permits may also park in Orange L East. A map of the locations of these lots can be found here.